Sparkling blue SAPPHIRE eyes and all the charm! Little Sapphire is a 12-13 week old red Siberian Husky girl.
She’s sweet. She’s enchanting. She’s mellow for a puppy and loves nothing more than to be snuggled and cuddled. She adores other dogs and is learning excellent doggie play in her foster home with her foster sister and the resident husky “elders.”
She loves tug of war and is learning about other toys. She is crate trained and beginning work with house and leash training. She has two young foster human brothers who adore her and they say “you’d be really lucky to adopt her, she’s loved a lot.”
Her foster mom feels she would be a happy, loving, snuggly family member for any committed family willing to follow through with her training, understand her exercise needs and hopefully another companion pet in the home for her to play with.
She is a spayed Female, 14 months old, good with Large Dogs, microchipped.